4 Tips For an Effective Landing Page

Did you know creating user-friendly and efficient landing pages can lead to more conversions?

This is important to note, considering the average landing page conversion rate across all industries is only 2.3%. Today we’re going to dive into a few ways of how to create an effective landing page!

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What is a Landing Page?

A landing page is typically the page that people will ‘land’ on when they first visit your website. More often than not this will also be the home page.

Whichever way you get to the site whether it was through a social media post, an ad, or a link within a blog post or forum, this link will usually take you to the landing page unless it is directing to you to a specific area of the site such as a contact form. In this case, the link would take you to the contact page.


4 Tips to an Effective Landing Page

1. Keep a Clear Objective

You should try to limit your landing page to have only one objective. This helps to keep the visitor focused on what you want them to do. If you are distracting the user with multiple objectives you are less likely to get a conversion, but if you reinforce just one objective the user will be more inclined to consider taking action, therefore increasing your website sales!

3. Sense of Urgency

For the most part, people like to do things on their own time. If they are going to make a purchase it will be when they are solely focused on that objective and committed to their decision. Sometimes, this could come after they’ve abandoned their cart and came back to it one week later, or they may even forget about it forever and never make the purchase at all!

One way to increase the chance of converting users can be to create a sense of urgency. An example of this would be to have a sale, or an offer that expires after a certain time period. This creates the feeling that if they don’t act now, they may miss out, or have to pay more later.

4. Call to Action

It is important to treat your users as if they know nothing, almost like teaching a child. When a user comes to your site they want to be told what to do and how to do it. Visitors do not take the time to read all the content on your page, nor do they care to. They simply scan and look for visual cues to guide them such as headings and images, which is why the link between marketing and web design is so important! Another thing they look for are calls to action. A call to action is an element on a webpage that instructs the visitor to do something. Many of times these will be in the form of what people refer to as ‘buttons.’ This could be a ‘read more’, or ‘contact us’ or even a ‘buy now’ button. All of these examples are calls to action where if a user clicks on them, it will take them to the place where they can then pursue their motive.

It is important to include calls to action on your landing page because as mentioned earlier, visitors are looking to be told what to do. They do not like guessing, and if they do not find an answer to something even within a few seconds it is more likely they will abandon the page.



Now you have the knowledge to level up your website landing page! Need help with the execution? Get a free Durham web design quote here!